
Commercial Deli Slicers

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Nice To Meat You: Unleash Culinary Creativity with Our Commercial Meat Slicers

This is your one-stop shop for commercial meat slicers, the secret weapon of any serious culinary fanatic.

Commercial meat slicers from top-quality brands like Hobart and Globe are the real deal. They're the powerhouses that bring precision cuts and efficiency to your commercial kitchen needs. We're talking meats, cheeses, veggies, and even frozen foods - these commercial slicers can handle it all!

Deli Slicer Cut-agories

You've got two main types of commercial food slicers – manual and automatic. Manual slicers require a little elbow grease but give you total control over each cut, which is nice if you need a mix of thicker cuts with thinner slices. 

Automatic meat slicers, on the other hand, do the work for you – just set your slice thickness, press the button, and watch the magic happen.

Slice, Slice Baby: Your Guide to The Best Cut

When picking out a slicer, think about blade size and what you'll be slicing most often. You've got entry-level, mid-tier, and premium options. Entry-level slicers are perfect for light use, while mid-tier slicers can handle more volume. 

If you're running a full-on deli or restaurant, you'll want to go premium – these slicers are built for heavy-duty use and will handle anything you throw at them.

Your Slice of Life: Tailor Your Slicer to Your Tastes

Are you a small sandwich shop or a monster-sized cafeteria? The amount and types of foods you slice will tell you what kind of slicer you should buy for your specific needs.

Blade Size: The Bigger, The Meatier

Now, let's talk about blade size. You're looking at a range from 9-14 inches. A bigger stainless-steel blade can handle more meat in one go. Larger blades could be your ticket to Easy Street if your kitchen's always buzzing.

Product Tray Size: All Sharps and Sizes

Don't forget about the product tray size. A big tray means you can fit bigger chunks of meat, saving you time and effort, especially if you run a butcher shop.

Shave The Day: Keeping Your Slicer as Fresh as Your Ingredients

Make sure your slicer is easy to clean. Look for ones with removable blades and trays – they'll make your life much easier when it's time to clean up. Make sure to check out our meat slicer cleaning guide for best practices and efficiency.

For Cuts It’s Worth: Durable Slicers That Last

You want a slicer that's built like a tank. Check out the surface where the meat sits while you're slicing – it should be tough as nails, especially if you plan on frequent use.

Slice And Easy: User-Friendly Food Equipment

Pick a slicer that feels right. Some come with nifty features like adjustable thickness controls and built-in sharpeners so you can get the perfect slice every time.

That Will Do Knifely: Consider Storage Space 

Remember, some of these slicers are pretty large. Make sure you've got enough room in your kitchen to store it.

Safety First: Watch Out for Thin Slice 

And lastly, don't forget about safety features. Look for slicers with the appropriate blade guard, non-slip feet, and different features to keep you safe while slicing and dicing.

A Match Blade in Heaven: Why Your Kitchen Needs a Meat Slicer

Commercial meat slicers aren't just cool kitchen gadgets - they're game-changers that give you the exact cut you need every time. 

A commercial meat slicer will crank your output into high gear. You'll be processing more meat and cheese than you can shake a stick at, all sliced to perfection.

Cutting meat by hand is a tiring job, especially in large quantities. With a commercial meat slicer, you can say goodbye to fatigue and hello to efficiency.

Sugar, Slice, and Everything Nice: Get the Perfect Cut Every Time

One of the coolest things about commercial meat slicers is their ability to deliver consistent slices every time. You'll be dishing out perfectly sized portions without breaking a sweat.

Shave Yourself Time Without Sacrificing Quantity and Quality

A commercial meat slicer is a real time saver. The amount of prep time you save using an electric meat slicer means you can focus more on creating those killer dishes.

Applications of Commercial Meat Slicers: From Deli to Dinner Party

From salami to Swiss cheese to succulent roast beef, there's no limit to what you can slice with a commercial slicer.

Slicing and Dicing Meats

A commercial meat slicer can handle all kinds of deli meats – ham, turkey, roast beef, you name it. It's your ticket to perfect slices every time.

Sweet or Shave-ory?

These slicers aren't just for meat; they’re a deli dream machine. They can slice cheese as easily as they slice meat, making them perfect for sandwich prep.

A Blade New World for Fruits and Veggies

Now, let's take a detour to your fruit and veggie needs. A commercial meat slicer can easily slice through fruits and vegetables. Whether you're prepping a big salad, soup, sauce, or just meal prepping for the week, this machine has you covered. If you’re a new restaurant that has a salad bar, make sure to check out our guide on how to set up a new salad bar.

Shear Us Out – You Can Use a Meat Slicer for Bread, Too

Hold onto your hats because these slicers can even tackle bread. Get perfectly uniform slices for sandwiches or toast.

Industrial Applications: No Cuts, No Glory

These slicers aren't just for your local deli or restaurant. They're also used in industrial applications like bulk slicing for smoking, cooking, and curing processes.

Cost and Investment Considerations: A Penny Shaved Is a Penny Earned

Commercial meat slicers are an investment, with prices varying based on features and brand. But trust us, they're worth every penny. We're here to help you find the slicer that fits your needs and budget.

Future Trends in Commercial Meat Slicers: The Next Big Thing in Big Flavor

​Research shows the global industrial food slicers market is expected to climb at a CAGR of 8%, increasing from $55 million in 2022 to $780 million by 2032. The largest growing market is in Japan and Indonesia.

As the market changes, we can expect to see more automation for precision across automatic models, smart connected devices, and more focus on hygienic and enhanced safety features like automatic blade stops and emergency stop buttons.

Get Your Industrial Meat Slicer from Eleven36

Commercial meat slicers are a must-have for any serious kitchen. They're all about efficiency, precision, and safety - and let's not forget the most important thing: they help you crank out some seriously tasty food.

And no matter what kind of food service establishment you run, the right equipment makes all the difference in your success. 

At Eleven36, we're all about becoming a strong partner with each of our customers. We offer a wide range of premium slicers and a selection of restaurant equipment to support business owners nationwide. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help.